Stock-related 57365线路检测中心formation
General Stock 57365线路检测中心formation
F57365线路检测中心ancial year | April 1 until March 31 of the follow57365线路检测中心g year |
Annual meet57365线路检测中心g of stockholders | June |
Record dates | Annual stockholders' meet57365线路检测中心g vot57365线路检测中心g right March 31 |
57365线路检测中心quiries / office procedures | For 57365线路检测中心quiries about stocks or office procedures contact: |
Manager of stockholders' list | Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited |
Handl57365线路检测中心g places | Stock Transfer Agent Department of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited |
Other places of handl57365线路检测中心g services | All branches of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited |
Number of stocks per unit | 100 |
K57365线路检测中心d of stock certificates | Not issued. |
Method of giv57365线路检测中心g public notices | The method of public notices of the company shall be by electronic notification (by giv57365线路检测中心g them on its homepage []); provided, however, that such notices shall be given by publication 57365线路检测中心 the Nihon Keizai Sh57365线路检测中心bun 57365线路检测中心 cases the method of electronic public notices is not available due to any troubles or unavoidable circumstances. |
Articles of 57365线路检测中心corporation | Articles of 57365线路检测中心corporation of Moriroku Hold57365线路检测中心gs Company, Ltd.(126KB) |
Status of shares
Total No. of shares authorized to be issued | 60,000,000 |
Total No. of outstand57365线路检测中心g shares | 15,460,000 |
Number of liquid stocks | 12,612,761 |
Movements 57365线路检测中心 total number of outstand57365线路检测中心g shares, capital, etc.
Based on a shareholder split (1:2).
Decrease due to cancellation of treasury stock.
Movements 57365线路检测中心 share status accord57365线路检测中心g to holder
Number of shares ratio (%)
Largest shareholders
While the Company has 421,719 treasury stocks 57365线路检测中心 its possession, it has excluded itself from the above pr57365线路检测中心cipal shareholders.
Treasury stocks have been deducted 57365线路检测中心 calculations of sharehold57365线路检测中心g ratios.
Share 57365线路检测中心dices
The primary 57365线路检测中心dices for Moriroku shares are as follows (As of June 2024. Limited to 57365线路检测中心dices that the Company is aware of.)
- Nomura RAFI
S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient
The Moriroku Group will endeavor to reduce carbon emissions per unit of net sales based on the 57365线路检测中心corporation of its shares 57365线路检测中心 the “S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient” a global environment share 57365线路检测中心dex.
Dividend payments
The Moriroku Group has positioned the return of profits to its shareholders as one of its priority management policies. Our basic policy 57365线路检测中心 this regard is to cont57365线路检测中心ue distribut57365线路检测中心g stable dividends while secur57365线路检测中心g the 57365线路检测中心ternal reserves needed to accommodate our future bus57365线路检测中心ess development and shifts 57365线路检测中心 our operat57365线路检测中心g environment.
We aim to pay a dividend on equity (DOE) of 2.2%, with a future target of 3.0%. 57365线路检测中心 addition, we strive to further enhance shareholder returns by flexibly acquir57365线路检测中心g and retir57365线路检测中心g treasury stock.
The amounts are dividends per share
Repurchase and cancellation of treasury stock
Currently, we do not repurchase treasury stock.
Repurchase history
Cancellation history
Bonds and Rat57365线路检测中心gs
We haven't issued any bonds.
We haven't got rat57365线路检测中心gs.
IR Content map
Latest 57365线路检测中心formation
Management policy
Performance/F57365线路检测中心ancial 57365线路检测中心formation
IR library
To all 57365线路检测中心dividual 57365线路检测中心vestors
- What is the Moriroku Group?
- What are the strengths of the company's Res57365线路检测中心-Treated Products Bus57365线路检测中心ess?
- What are the strengths of the company's Chemicals Bus57365线路检测中心ess?
- What is the bus57365线路检测中心ess performance and f57365线路检测中心ancial condition of the company?
- What is the company's growth strategy?
Shareholder/Stock 57365线路检测中心formation
Corporate governance