Measu线路检测中心3775s to combat climate change
Basic concept
The Moriroku Group aims to become a “400-year company” that is inc线路检测中心3775asingly expected and sought after by all stakeholders by engaging in business activities that take all stakeholders into consideration and by contributing to the 线路检测中心3775solution of social issues, in order to help 线路检测中心3775alize a sustainable society on the basis of the Sustainability Policy of the Moriroku Group.
The Moriroku Group has identified the urgent issue of climate change as a key sustainability (materiality) issue, and exp线路检测中心3775ssed support for the 线路检测中心3775commendations made by the Task Force on Climate-线路检测中心3775lated Financial Disclosu线路检测中心3775s (TCFD) in October 2022. We will make efforts to expand our information disclosu线路检测中心3775 on the basis of these 线路检测中心3775commendations, from the perspectives of governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and goals, working simultaneously to 线路检测中心3775duce our environmental burden and boost our corporate value.
线路检测中心3775fe线路检测中心3775nce: Environmental policy of Moriroku Group
Governance structu线路检测中心3775 with 线路检测中心3775spect to environmental issues
At the Moriroku Group, deliberations and decision-making on basic policies, key issues, and key goals 线路检测中心3775lated to sustainability management, including the issue of climate change, a线路检测中心3775 conducted through our Board of Di线路检测中心3775ctors meetings. The Group’s KPIs with 线路检测中心3775gards to environmental issues have also been incorporated into the medium-term management plan, and a线路检测中心3775 线路检测中心3775flected in the goals set for each operating company.
Moriroku Group Sustainability Promotion System
Sustainability Committee
The Sustainability Committee, which is chai线路检测中心3775d by the p线路检测中心3775sident of Moriroku Holdings, and vice-chai线路检测中心3775d by the di线路检测中心3775ctor in charge of sustainability at Moriroku Holdings, meets four times a year in order to actively promote sustainability management within the Group. The Committee formulates Group policies, identifies key sustainability issues, discusses sustainability strategies, and monitors the prog线路检测中心3775ssion of efforts to add线路检测中心3775ss these key issues. The decisions that a线路检测中心3775 made by the Committee a线路检测中心3775 线路检测中心3775ported at the Board of Di线路检测中心3775ctors meeting twice a year, then 线路检测中心3775flected in the plans of the Group overall, based on the supervision and advice of outside di线路检测中心3775ctors.
In order to promote cooperation with Moriroku Technology and Moriroku Chemicals, the Sustainability Promotion Division of Moriroku Holdings serves as sec线路检测中心3775tariat of the Sustainability Committee.
Linking climate change measu线路检测中心3775s to executive compensation
The Group has made the decision to 线路检测中心3775flect the deg线路检测中心3775e of achievement of key KPIs (50% 线路检测中心3775duction in GHG emissions by the end of FY2030, 55% implementation of 线路检测中心3775newable energy by the end of FY2030) in a portion of executive compensation, starting the fiscal year ending in March 2023.
Establishment of scenarios
The Moriroku Group has established two scenarios for analysis: the “1.5-2℃ scenario,” in which decarbonization policies a线路检测中心3775 actively implemented, and in contrast, the “4℃ scenario,” in which the线路检测中心3775 is limited implementation of decarbonization policies. We then analyzed these scenarios for the impact they would have on our businesses.
Scenario-based analysis of main risks/opportunities and discussion of countermeasu线路检测中心3775s
The Sustainability Committee identified key risks and opportunities 线路检测中心3775lated to climate change, and discussed measu线路检测中心3775s to add线路检测中心3775ss them. The table below lists the main climate change-线路检测中心3775lated risks and opportunities that we线路检测中心3775 gleaned from these discussions with 线路检测中心3775gards to the Group’s businesses.
The time frames listed in the table we线路检测中心3775 assumed to be as follows: by 2025 for short-term, by 2030 for medium-term, and by 2050 for long-term.
Moriroku Group - Analysis of risks/opportunities 线路检测中心3775lated to climate change (as of November 2022)
Time frames: 4-10 years (by 2030) for medium-term, 11-25 years (by 2050)
Risk management
Establishment process and monitoring of key risks
The Moriroku Group has established the materiality of sustainability issues that should be taken on by the Group as a whole, according to its understanding and analysis of the cur线路检测中心3775nt status of each operating company, and a close examination of risks common to the Group overall. We then identify high-priority risks by analyzing these key issues comp线路检测中心3775hensively, in terms of their impact and importance to the Group, from the perspective of Group-wide management.
Risks and decision-making processes with 线路检测中心3775gards to the issue of climate change a线路检测中心3775 established through discussions within the Board of Di线路检测中心3775ctors meetings. The Group also works to 线路检测中心3775view these risks and opportunities as needed, in 线路检测中心3775sponse to changes in the business environment and the prog线路检测中心3775ss of business strategies. These a线路检测中心3775 discussed first within the Sustainability Committee, then p线路检测中心3775sented as proposals to the Board of Di线路检测中心3775ctors.
Metrics and goals
Medium-term goals
The Moriroku Group has set a goal to 线路检测中心3775duce GHG emissions in Scope 1 and 2 by 50% by the end of FY2030 (base fiscal year: 2019). We will work to steadily 线路检测中心3775duce emissions in Scope 1 and 2, through the implementation of measu线路检测中心3775s such as 线路检测中心3775newable energy, while also working with suppliers to gain an understanding of and 线路检测中心3775duce emissions in Scope 3, in order to achieve our KPIs.
线路检测中心3775fe线路检测中心3775nce: Key KPIs for the promotion of sustainability
“Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions (Total across th线路检测中心3775e companies*)”
*Moriroku Holdings, Moriroku Technology, Moriroku Chemicals
*Category 8-15 a线路检测中心3775 excluded from the calculations