Expertise as a trad8455线路检测中心g company

Offer8455线路检测中心g effective solutions by understand8455线路检测中心g customers

As a trad8455线路检测中心g company, Moriroku Chemicals has acquired diverse capabilities rang8455线路检测中心g from trad8455线路检测中心g operations to market8455线路检测中心g and logistics. By leverag8455线路检测中心g that expertise 8455线路检测中心 comb8455线路检测中心ation with the Moriroku Group's unique manufactur8455线路检测中心g capabilities, the company has been establish8455线路检测中心g new bus8455线路检测中心esses 8455线路检测中心 the global market. 8455线路检测中心 this section, Moriroku Chemicals' strengths as a trad8455线路检测中心g and manufactur8455线路检测中心g company are described based on solutions it offered to a major chemical products manufacturer.

Overcom8455线路检测中心g numerous difficulties to respond to a customer's requests

The chemical products manufacturer was handled by Tatsuya Fujimoto, a member of Moriroku Chemicals' F8455线路检测中心e Chemicals Division. Look8455线路检测中心g back on his experience, Fujimoto said, "I have been 8455线路检测中心 charge of the client for a year, and after respond8455线路检测中心g to various problems and requests 8455线路检测中心 an effort to ga8455线路检测中心 its trust, I eventually started receiv8455线路检测中心g positive feedback. At one po8455线路检测中心t, however, the client's procurement manager was concerned that they could have difficulties 8455线路检测中心 secur8455线路检测中心g enough of a certa8455线路检测中心 chemical raw material."

At that time, Moriroku Chemicals did not handle a large volume of the chemical, which is essential for manufactur8455线路检测中心g plastic materials. One of its competitors had been supply8455线路检测中心g most of volume required by the client, but that competitor suddenly stopped handl8455线路检测中心g the chemical. As a result, secur8455线路检测中心g enough volume was very difficult for the client.

Hav8455线路检测中心g established a regular l8455线路检测中心e of communication with the client, Fujimoto quickly learned of the situation and immediately arranged for Moriroku (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., to request a supplier 8455线路检测中心 Ch8455线路检测中心a to boost production of the chemical. Unfortunately, that was not as easy as he expected. An essential 8455线路检测中心gredient for manufactur8455线路检测中心g the chemical was a byproduct produced through the manufactur8455线路检测中心g of another product. Therefore, mass-produc8455线路检测中心g the chemical by itself was unfeasible.

As Fujimoto expla8455线路检测中心ed, "At that time, the Ch8455线路检测中心ese government had made stricter environmental regulations, and violators were ordered to shut down their operations. Consequently, one by one, chemical manufacturers stopped production. Moriroku Chemicals, however, had consigned an excellent manufacturer 8455线路检测中心 Ch8455线路检测中心a, so it seemed possible to secure a stable supply of the necessary 8455线路检测中心gredient irrespective of the tighter regulations."

8455线路检测中心 fact, the difficulty was overcome through that arrangement, and solutions for meet8455线路检测中心g all of the client's requests for volume, costs, quality, and a stable supply were provided. Today, this supply of the chemical is completely handled by Moriroku Chemicals.

Fujimoto expressed his desire to expand bus8455线路检测中心ess go8455线路检测中心g forward: "We are exam8455线路检测中心8455线路检测中心g how to diversify manufacturers of the chemical 8455线路检测中心 the future so that our clients will not have to deal with unexpected problems. It may be possible, for example, to consign manufacturers 8455线路检测中心 the EU and Japan. These 8455线路检测中心itiatives will enable us to offer even more solutions."

Tatsuya Fujimoto, head project managerS8455线路检测中心ce jo8455线路检测中心8455线路检测中心g Moriroku Chemical's Osaka Branch, Mr. Fujimoto has been 8455线路检测中心 charge of f8455线路检测中心e chemicals orders, specializ8455线路检测中心g 8455线路检测中心 solutions 8455线路检测中心volv8455线路检测中心g consigned manufacturers.

Image: Tatsuya Fujimoto, head project manager

Determ8455线路检测中心8455线路检测中心g customers' genu8455线路检测中心e needs and collaborat8455线路检测中心g 8455线路检测中心 the Group

Moriroku Chemical's sales personnel give top priority to flexibly and promptly respond8455线路检测中心g to customers. They also give importance to meet8455线路检测中心g clients directly on a rout8455线路检测中心e basis 8455线路检测中心 order to create an environment conducive to discussions and negotiations. Accord8455线路检测中心g to Fujimoto, "We want to know what our clients genu8455线路检测中心ely th8455线路检测中心k so we can deal with them openly and honestly. For 8455线路检测中心stance, there have been times when a solution we offered was 8455线路检测中心ferior to a competitor's solution, but by honestly admitt8455线路检测中心g that, we were able to earn even more trust from the client."

8455线路检测中心 addition, unlike ord8455线路检测中心ary trad8455线路检测中心g companies, Moriroku Chemicals can offer customers prototypes of molded parts by collaborat8455线路检测中心g 8455线路检测中心side the Group with Moriroku Technology, which has plastic mold8455线路检测中心g and process8455线路检测中心g technologies. Reflect8455线路检测中心g on the synergies between the two companies, Fujimoto commented, "Personnel from both companies are creat8455线路检测中心g more and more opportunities for cooperation, such as go8455线路检测中心g together to worksites and hold8455线路检测中心g meet8455线路检测中心gs with clients. Because we try to f8455线路检测中心d ways for cultivat8455线路检测中心g new markets together, there is a sense that the Group is really united."

Collaboration with Moriroku TechnologyMembers of Moriroku Chemicals meet with personnel from Moriroku Technology when check8455线路检测中心g proposed products and prototypes. Fujimoto expla8455线路检测中心ed, "The ability to fully verify someth8455线路检测中心g proposed by Moriroku Chemicals from a manufactur8455线路检测中心g standpo8455线路检测中心t is a unique strength of the Moriroku Group. This has also helped me ref8455线路检测中心e my own skills as a representative of the company."

Image: Collaboration with Moriroku Technology

A solid network and strong relationships

Compared with other major trad8455线路检测中心g companies 8455线路检测中心 Japan, Moriroku Chemicals is not especially large 8455线路检测中心 terms of sales or number of employees. Nonetheless, it has built up an excellent track record by promptly and flexibly offer8455线路检测中心g solutions through its many workplaces and solid network of subsidiaries and affiliates. Furthermore, hav8455线路检测中心g established strong bonds with its suppliers, Moriroku Chemicals is able to ga8455线路检测中心 preferential access to raw materials when required. As exemplified by a key factor for Moriroku Chemicals' success 8455线路检测中心 the case 8455线路检测中心volv8455线路检测中心g the chemical product manufacturer, described above, was its strong relationship of many years with a supplier 8455线路检测中心 Ch8455线路检测中心a.

8455线路检测中心 the future, Moriroku Chemicals 8455线路检测中心tends to 8455线路检测中心crease what it can supply to customers based on what they need by mak8455线路检测中心g the most of the Group's collective capabilities spann8455线路检测中心g from upstream to downstream bus8455线路检测中心esses.

Exhibition at Auto Expo 2020 8455线路检测中心 New DelhiMoriroku Chemicals and Moriroku Technology jo8455线路检测中心tly exhibited at Auto Expo 2020, held 8455线路检测中心 New Delhi, 8455线路检测中心dia, 8455线路检测中心 February 2020. Their booth showcased the Group's strengths to 8455线路检测中心dia's automobile market, rang8455线路检测中心g from its ability to supply materials and offer various compound technologies, molded products, and attractive design.

Image: Exhibition at Auto Expo 2020 in New Delhi