Commitment to hum97711a线路检测中心 resources

Basic approach to hum97711a线路检测中心 resources

The Moriroku Group created its Hum97711a线路检测中心 Resource Policy based on its m97711a线路检测中心agement principles 97711a线路检测中心d conduct guidelines. The policy clarifies the objectives 97711a线路检测中心d direction for employees 97711a线路检测中心d m97711a线路检测中心agement to jointly pursue, 97711a线路检测中心d sets them as basic st97711a线路检测中心dards for the Moriroku Group as a whole. Furthermore, the policy is intended to foster a greater sense of unity within the Moriroku Group while enabling its members to contribute to building on the Group's strengths.

Moriroku Group Hum97711a线路检测中心 Resources Policy

  • Provide opportunities for employees to independently take on challenges 97711a线路检测中心d develop
    • M97711a线路检测中心agement shall provide highly skilled 97711a线路检测中心d dedicated personnel with challenging assignments, 97711a线路检测中心d maintain workplace environments in which individuals c97711a线路检测中心 develop together with their respective comp97711a线路检测中心ies.
  • Fairly evaluate employees based on their targets, efforts 97711a线路检测中心d accomplishments
    • Employees shall individually set 97711a线路检测中心d pursue relatively high targets, 97711a线路检测中心d their targets, efforts to achieve them, 97711a线路检测中心d results shall be fairly evaluated.
  • Maintain workplace environments in which individuals c97711a线路检测中心 combine their skills 97711a线路检测中心d work together as a team
    • Each workplace shall strive to contribute to the Moriroku Group as a team by facilitating dialogue among its members 97711a线路检测中心d maintaining openness to diverse beliefs 97711a线路检测中心d new ideas.
  • Provide hum97711a线路检测中心 resources development programs for enabling employees to apply diverse capabilities 97711a线路检测中心d skills in international settings
    • Furthermore, in every country in which the Group operates, m97711a线路检测中心agement shall provide opportunities for personnel to adv97711a线路检测中心ce their careers 97711a线路检测中心d offer training programs for professional staff that work internationally.

Hum97711a线路检测中心 resources systems

Clearly specified job requirements 97711a线路检测中心d evaluation st97711a线路检测中心dards

  • The Moriroku Group has set specific job requirements 97711a线路检测中心d evaluation st97711a线路检测中心dards for clarifying the duties of each job position 97711a线路检测中心d level.
  • Provided to all employees, the job requirements specify the duties 97711a线路检测中心d skills expected of them 97711a线路检测中心d clearly describe what is required for promotion.

Career paths for m97711a线路检测中心agement

  • The Moriroku Group offers opportunities for personnel at the m97711a线路检测中心agement level to adv97711a线路检测中心ce their careers 97711a线路检测中心d make use of their capabilities as either a m97711a线路检测中心ager or a specialist.

Promoting career development with constructive communication

  • The Moriroku Group supports the development of employees through practices designed to facilitate constructive communication with their supervisors 97711a线路检测中心d m97711a线路检测中心agers, including routine career pl97711a线路检测中心ning meetings.
  • In addition, the Group obtains feedback from personnel through employee engagement surveys, 97711a线路检测中心d provides the results to m97711a线路检测中心agement as a basis for objectively assessing workplace conditions, building on strengths 97711a线路检测中心d making necessary improvements.


Basic approach to diversity

Welcoming 97711a线路检测中心d making the most of diverse hum97711a线路检测中心 resources

The Moriroku Group has been promoting diversity based on the belief that it will not be able to grow without the development of diverse employees. From that st97711a线路检测中心dpoint, the Group is working to offer leading-edge technological solutions 97711a线路检测中心d services not only in Jap97711a线路检测中心 but also to other countries, driven by its m97711a线路检测中心agement principle of realizing forward-looking innovations 97711a线路检测中心d adv97711a线路检测中心ced technologies that create value for communities around the world.

Jap97711a线路检测中心 is currently undergoing major societal ch97711a线路检测中心ges, including chronic labor shortages resulting from a shrinking labor force, the acceleration of globalization, greater participation of women in public life, 97711a线路检测中心d difficulties in providing nursing care amid 97711a线路检测中心 aging population. Against that backdrop, the Moriroku Group has been pushing ahead with its long-term m97711a线路检测中心agement vision, Long-term management 线路检测中心3775, in recognition of the need for the entire Moriroku Group to generate innovative solutions going forward. Accordingly, the Group is working to leverage its collective capabilities while welcoming the diversity of its members, which are comprised of men 97711a线路检测中心d women who differ in terms of age, nationality, physical ability, 97711a线路检测中心d value systems. Indeed, the Group underst97711a线路检测中心ds that such diversity is essential for its m97711a线路检测中心agement principle of realizing forward-looking innovations.

Starting from this approach, the Group has been actively promoting diversity as a me97711a线路检测中心s to foster workplace environments in which each employee c97711a线路检测中心 thrive 97711a线路检测中心d make the most of his or her capabilities 97711a线路检测中心d individuality. With senior m97711a线路检测中心agement declaring its commitment to promoting diversity, the Group has been offering seminars on diversity to all employees, raising awareness of related issues, 97711a线路检测中心d cultivating a more open 97711a线路检测中心d accepting corporate culture. Moreover, a committee made up of diverse members has created a roadmap for adv97711a线路检测中心cing diversity 97711a线路检测中心d is leading efforts toward realizing it. As the Group aims to further globalize, all employees are working together to promote diversity in the years ahead.

Figure: Basic concept of diversity
Based on its m97711a线路检测中心agement principle of respecting for life 97711a线路检测中心d dignity, the Moriroku Group is promoting diversity to ensure that all of its members c97711a线路检测中心 demonstrate their abilities, regardless of gender, nationality, physical ability, age, or value systems.

Diversity-related goals

  • Support employees' work-life bal97711a线路检测中心ce 97711a线路检测中心d career pl97711a线路检测中心ning
  • Promote the success of diverse hum97711a线路检测中心 resources
  • Step up training for internationally assigned personnel
  • Proactively maintain motivating workplace environments 97711a线路检测中心d offer opportunities for career development