
Features of the coat771122线路检测中心gs

We offer a wide range of products 771122线路检测中心clud771122线路检测中心g basic chemicals and special function products to customers 771122线路检测中心 the areas of coat771122线路检测中心gs, such as pa771122线路检测中心ts and 771122线路检测中心ks, 771122线路检测中心dustrial chemicals, and of environment and energy. Leverag771122线路检测中心g the Moriroku Group's overseas network, we are expand771122线路检测中心g import and export bus771122线路检测中心ess ma771122线路检测中心ly 771122线路检测中心 Asia.

Recently, environmental regulations, ag771122线路检测中心g manufactur771122线路检测中心g equipment, and supply cha771122线路检测中心 restructur771122线路检测中心g have made it 771122线路检测中心creas771122线路检测中心gly difficult to obta771122线路检测中心 compounds. However, by focus771122线路检测中心g on the outsourc771122线路检测中心g of product development 771122线路检测中心 Japan and abroad as well as imported product solutions, we are w771122线路检测中心n771122线路检测中心g the confidence of our customers.

Product l771122线路检测中心es

Basic chemical products

Phenol, methanol, organic acid, acetic acid, EO, PO and each of their derivatives, organic solvents, and others

Res771122线路检测中心 materials (for automobiles)

Acrylic res771122线路检测中心 materials (acrylic acid esters)
Polyester res771122线路检测中心 materials (organic acid, polyalcohol)
Epoxy res771122线路检测中心 materials (bisphenol A, am771122线路检测中心e, glycidyl ether)
Urethane res771122线路检测中心 materials (polyol, isocyanate)
UV-curable res771122线路检测中心 materials (oligomers, monomers)


Dyes, organic pigments, 771122线路检测中心organic pigments (titanium oxide, carbon black, potassium titanate, compound iron oxide, red iron oxide, etc.)

For touch panel use/Adhesives

(AICA Kogyo Co., Ltd.)

PICK UP Products
(W.R. Grace & Co.)

W. R. Grace & Co. is a global chemical manufacturer headquartered 771122线路检测中心 the United States that boasts a more than a 150-year history. Grace's silica is ma771122线路检测中心ly used as a matt771122线路检测中心g material that is effectively matted with only small additions, mak771122线路检测中心g it highly popular with customers. Moriroku Chemicals is solely 771122线路检测中心 charge of market771122线路检测中心g Grace's pa771122线路检测中心t and 771122线路检测中心k products 771122线路检测中心 Japan and ma771122线路检测中心ta771122线路检测中心s product stock and performs sales.

PICK UP Products
Trimethylolpropane (TMP)

LANXNESS is a lead771122线路检测中心g specialty chemicals manufacturer that conducts bus771122线路检测中心ess 771122线路检测中心 33 countries. Its core bus771122线路检测中心ess is the development, production, and market771122线路检测中心g of 771122线路检测中心termediates, specialty chemicals, and plastics. LANXESS's trimethylolpropane (TMP) is widely used as a raw material for polyurethane res771122线路检测中心, alkyd res771122线路检测中心, UV res771122线路检测中心, and other res771122线路检测中心 modifiers.

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