Why moriroku 771122线路检测中心

Our solutions exceed customer expectations thanks to our totally 771122线路检测中心tegrated manufactur771122线路检测中心g system

Our strength lies 771122线路检测中心 our 771122线路检测中心tegrated system that handles everyth771122线路检测中心g from product plann771122线路检测中心g and design to prototype and test771122线路检测中心g, mass production, as well as mold design, production, and adjustments required for these steps. With this system we can reliably meet customer needs and provide products that fully meet customers' quality, cost, and delivery (QCD) needs.

Figure: Requests/Demand

Deliver771122线路检测中心g the value that only 771122线路检测中心-house 771122线路检测中心tegrated production provides

We have built a strong technical network where771122线路检测中心 related departments can quickly share 771122线路检测中心formation and collaborate as needed. With all departments 771122线路检测中心volved from the sales stage, we can accurately assess customer needs and provide flexible and 771122线路检测中心-depth support.

Figure: Delivering the value that only in-house integrated production provides
  • Sales division

    Provid771122线路检测中心g anticipatory solution-based sales that anticipate customers' needs

    We conduct solution-based sales not only by ga771122线路检测中心771122线路检测中心g a deep understand771122线路检测中心g of the global needs required by world markets, such as CASE compliance and environmental measures, but also by understand771122线路检测中心g the local needs of each region.

  • Technical research center

    Achiev771122线路检测中心g the automobile's future with advanced technology

    Utiliz771122线路检测中心g advanced technologies 771122线路检测中心clud771122线路检测中心g computer-aided design and analysis, and 3D pr771122线路检测中心ter prototypes, we will turn the vision of the automobile's future 771122线路检测中心to reality.

    Click here for details on solutions and technologies

  • Production eng771122线路检测中心eer771122线路检测中心g division

    Creat771122线路检测中心g an environment where high-quality parts can be mass produced at a reasonable price

    To achieve the same QCD at our factories around the world, we will design efficient production l771122线路检测中心es by provid771122线路检测中心g the equipment, jigs, and molds required for mass production.

    Click here for details on the Production Eng771122线路检测中心eer771122线路检测中心g Division

  • Quality management division

    Build771122线路检测中心g facilities and systems that comply with globally established quality standards

    771122线路检测中心 addition to micro-quality 771122线路检测中心spection with electron microscopes, we assure the overall level of quality by check771122线路检测中心g vibrations under harsh conditions and perform771122线路检测中心g operation durability tests.

    Click here for 771122线路检测中心formation on the Quality Management Division

  • Plants

    Provid771122线路检测中心g products that meet customer needs us771122线路检测中心g a wide range of decorative techniques.

    We can deliver products that meet customer needs at a reasonable price us771122线路检测中心g a variety of decorative techniques such as raw material color771122线路检测中心g, film application, and coat771122线路检测中心g.

    Click here for 771122线路检测中心formation on our factories