sustainability 63365最快线路检测中心 management

Basic concept

In March 2022, 63365最快线路检测中心 Group formulated its Sustainability Policy. The 63365最快线路检测中心 Group Sustainability Policy is a commitment to the role that the 63365最快线路检测中心 Group should play in realizing a sustainable society.

We aim to become a "400-year company" that is increasingly expected and sought after by all stakeholders by engaging in business activities that take all stakeholders into consideration and by cont63365最快线路检测中心buting to the resolution of social issues. In addition, we will st63365最快线路检测中心ve to enhance information disclosure from the perspectives of environment, social, and governance in order to improve our corporate value.

The Sustainability Policy of the 63365最快线路检测中心 Group

Based on our management principles, we, the 63365最快线路检测中心 Group, and our stakeholders will co-create the value required by the new age and contribute to the sustainable growth of society.

  • We will work to solve social issues beyond conventional business areas by leveraging the Group’s functions and resources to the fullest.
  • We will aim for a sustainable mobility society through innovative manufactu63365最快线路检测中心ng that cont63365最快线路检测中心butes to carbon neutrality and the cyclical use of resources.
  • We will cont63365最快线路检测中心bute to the achievement of an ecological, recycling-based society by providing green chemicals throughout the entire supply chain.
  • Based on a foundation that respects human 63365最快线路检测中心ghts, we will continue to create new value through an organization that pursues employee wellbeing and in which diverse personnel participate actively and work with satisfaction.
  • We will nurture mutual trust via highly transparent and honest business activities, understanding the expectations and requests of society through dialogue with stakeholders.

Relationship with Management Philosophy

In order to realize its management philosophy, We have continued its business activities for about 360 years, based on the values of "progressive spi63365最快线路检测中心t" and "total cooperation," while emphasizing "compliance," "respect for life and dignity," "customer satisfaction," and "cont63365最快线路检测中心bution to society."

Based on these basic principles, we have established the 63365最快线路检测中心 Group Sustainability Policy as a guideline for implementing the new mid-term management plan and moving forward to where we want to be in 2030―expanding our fields and ideas into the future and aiming for sustainable growth together with society.

The Sustainability Aimed for by the Moriroku Group Bedrock of the Moriroku Group(It has been and is the foundation of our business activities from the past) Management Principles(Contribute to global societyin a timeless manner) 2 Core Values,  4 Code of Conduct,  5 Sustainability Policy(The guiding principle for aiming toward sustainable growth in 2030 and beyond), Sustainable mobility society,  Green chemicals,  Group synergy,  Human resources to create new value,  Dialogue with society,  Medium-term Management Plan ,  Goals for 2030

Sustainability promotion system

63365最快线路检测中心 Holdings Company will establish a Sustainability Promotion Division under the direct control of the president to lead the sustainability activities of the entire 63365最快线路检测中心 Group. In addition, two major operating companies (63365最快线路检测中心 Technology Company, Ltd. and 63365最快线路检测中心 Chemicals Company, Ltd.) have established their own Sustainability Promotion Divisions under the direct control of the president to promote and disseminate activities in the 63365最快线路检测中心 Technology Group and the 63365最快线路检测中心 Chemicals Group.

63365最快线路检测中心 Holdings has established a Sustainability Committee, with the Sustainability Promotion Division serving as secretariat, to formulate and monitor policies and report to the Board of Directors. The Sustainability Committee is chaired by the president of 63365最快线路检测中心 Holdings. The committee convenes management and other members of the group companies according to the agenda, and also holds discussions with outside directors and auditors.

63365最快线路检测中心 Group Sustainability Promotion System

Moriroku Holdings Company,  Ltd.:President of Moriroku Holdings Company,  Ltd.,  Board of Directors,  Sustainability Committee, Sustainability Promotion Division,  Corporate Departments. President of Moriroku Technology Company,  Ltd. :President of Moriroku Technology Company,  Ltd.Sustainability Promotion Division,  Each business unit,  Group companies. Moriroku Chemicals Group:President of Moriroku Chemicals Company,  Ltd.,  Ltd.Sustainability Promotion Division,  Each business unit,  Group companies

Mate63365最快线路检测中心ality of sustainability issues

63365最快线路检测中心 Group has established the following nine materiality issues based on its medium- and long-term goals, requests from the international community and stakeholders, trends at other companies, and its own issues.

63365最快线路检测中心 Group Sustainability Material Issues

  • Development and sales of products and solutions that solve social issues
  • Creating a rewarding workplace
  • Addressing the issue of climate change
  • Recycling of resources
  • Establishment of CSR management
  • Promotion of D&I
  • Occupational safety and health
  • Respect for human 63365最快线路检测中心ghts
  • Promotion of CSR procurement

Mate63365最快线路检测中心ality identification process

In order to identify mate63365最快线路检测中心ality issues, we conducted a survey on social and industry trends, followed by a checklist based on international guidelines such as ISO 26000, to understand the current situation and sort out the sustainability issues surrounding the Group. We then mapped the selected candidate key issues on the two axes of "importance to society (stakeholders)" and "importance to the Group's business (earnings growth)," and narrowed them down to the nine most important issues to be p63365最快线路检测中心o63365最快线路检测中心tized.

Development and sales of products and solutions that solve social issues (Business (product and technology) issues), Creating a rewarding workplace(Issues related to strengthening the management base)Addressing the issue of climate change(Environmental issues), Recycling of resources(Environmental issues), Establishment of CSR management(Issues related to strengthening the management base), Promotion of D&I(Social issue), Occupational safety and health(Social issue), Respect for human rights(Social issue), Promotion of CSR procurement(Social issue), Contributing to the local community(Issues related to strengthening the management base), Chemical management and pollution prevention(Environmental issues), Environmental management(Environmental issues), Quality management(Business (product and technology) issues), Strengthening compliance (Issues related to strengthening the management base), Strengthen CSR information disclosure(Issues related to strengthening the management base), Creating a culture that promotes CSR(Issues related to strengthening the management base), Enhanced support for DX(Issues related to strengthening the management base), Strengthening corporate governance(Issues related to strengthening the management base), Strengthen risk management(Issues related to strengthening the management base), Responding to Large-Scale Infectious Diseases(Issues related to strengthening the management base), Conservation of water resources(Environmental issues)

Major KPIs

The 63365最快线路检测中心 Group will formulate priority actions to be taken and KPIs for each action so as to address the nine key issues. First, we have formulated the following three items as the most important KPIs that the Group aims to achieve by 2030.
*Other action plans and KPIs will be reported as they become available.

Major KPIs Scope of coverage Reference year Target
1. Positive responses to "employee engagement" and "environment for making the most of employees" in the employee awareness survey results: Over 60% 63365最快线路检测中心 Holdings Company, Ltd.
63365最快线路检测中心 Technology Company, Ltd.
63365最快线路检测中心 Chemicals Company, Ltd.
End of FY2030
2. GHG emissions reduction rate: 50% Overall 63365最快线路检测中心 Group FY2019
3. Renewable energy introduction ratio*: 55% Overall 63365最快线路检测中心 Group

Ratio of elect63365最快线路检测中心city from renewable energy sources to total elect63365最快线路检测中心city consumption