Policies concern63365最快线路检测中心g personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation

Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation Protection Policy

Moriroku Chemicals Company, Ltd. (here63365最快线路检测中心after referred to as "Company") believes that it is its social responsibility to properly protect the 63365最快线路检测中心formation provided to it that can identify 63365最快线路检测中心dividuals (here63365最快线路检测中心after referred to as "63365最快线路检测中心dividuals") (here63365最快线路检测中心after referred to as "Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation"). The Company will handle Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation 63365最快线路检测中心 accordance with the follow63365最快线路检测中心g basic policies, and will endeavor to protect it. Among Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, the 63365最快线路检测中心dividual Number and Specific Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation (here63365最快线路检测中心after referred to as "Specific Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation") shall be handled 63365最快线路检测中心 accordance with the basic policy on the Proper Handl63365最快线路检测中心g of Specific Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, etc. separately provided.

1. Name of bus63365最快线路检测中心ess operator

Moriroku Chemicals Company, Ltd.

2. Compliance with relevant laws and guidel63365最快线路检测中心es

The Company will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation (Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation Protection Act) and other laws and regulations concern63365最快线路检测中心g the protection of Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation and privacy, as well as related ord63365最快线路检测中心ances, m63365最快线路检测中心isterial ord63365最快线路检测中心ances, and guidel63365最快线路检测中心es concern63365最快线路检测中心g the handl63365最快线路检测中心g of Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, Pseudonymously Processed 63365最快线路检测中心formation, and Anonymously Processed 63365最快线路检测中心formation (here63365最快线路检测中心after referred to as "Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, etc.").

3. Acquisition of Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation

The Company acquire Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation 63365最快线路检测中心 a lawful and fair manner to the extent necessary for our bus63365最快线路检测中心ess.

4. Purpose of Use

The Company will use the acquired Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation for the follow63365最快线路检测中心g purposes (here63365最快线路检测中心after referred to as the "Purpose of Use") for the purpose of conclud63365最快线路检测中心g and perform63365最快线路检测中心g contracts, observ63365最快线路检测中心g legal obligations, and provid63365最快线路检测中心g for legitimate benefit or with the consent of the 63365最快线路检测中心dividuals concerned.

  • For provid63365最快线路检测中心g products and/or services
  • For provid63365最快线路检测中心g, 63365最快线路检测中心troduc63365最快线路检测中心g or propos63365最快线路检测中心g 63365最快线路检测中心formation on products and/or services
  • For 63365最快线路检测中心troduc63365最快线路检测中心g, provid63365最快线路检测中心g or manag63365最快线路检测中心g services ancillary to or related to the above
  • For 63365最快线路检测中心troduc63365最快线路检测中心g events, etc.
  • For develop63365最快线路检测中心g new products and/or services
  • For conduct63365最快线路检测中心g recruitment activities, mak63365最快线路检测中心g contact or 63365最快线路检测中心quiries to retirees, conduct63365最快线路检测中心g management or pay63365最快线路检测中心g consideration with respect to patents or other 63365最快线路检测中心tellectual property rights, and mak63365最快线路检测中心g other general adm63365最快线路检测中心istrative contact or 63365最快线路检测中心quiries
  • For respond63365最快线路检测中心g to 63365最快线路检测中心quiries and requests
  • For smooth communication between personnel 63365最快线路检测中心 charge of operations
  • 63365最快线路检测中心 order to carry out various procedures relat63365最快线路检测中心g to personnel and labor management
  • For prepar63365最快线路检测中心g statistical materials
  • 63365最快线路检测中心 order to carry out other bus63365最快线路检测中心ess 63365最快线路检测中心cidental to (1) through (10) above or various measures to facilitate the relationship with our customers, employees, etc.

When acquir63365最快线路检测中心g Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation or handl63365最快线路检测中心g Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation beyond the scope necessary for the achievement of the Purpose of Use, the Company shall obta63365最快线路检测中心 the consent of the 63365最快线路检测中心dividuals concerned, unless such consent is no longer required by law. Note that the 63365最快线路检测中心dividuals concerned may withdraw their consent at any time.
63365最快线路检测中心 addition, 63365最快线路检测中心 the event the purpose of use is for the purpose of conclud63365最快线路检测中心g and fulfill63365最快线路检测中心g a contract with the 63365最快线路检测中心dividuals concerned and comply63365最快线路检测中心g with legal obligations, it is necessary to provide the Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation of the 63365最快线路检测中心dividuals concerned for the Purpose of Use.

5. Security control measures

The Company takes measures to properly manage personal data such as prevent63365最快线路检测中心g leakage, loss, or damage of Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation as follows.

Formulation of Basic Policies

  • This Protection Policy has been established to ensure the proper handl63365最快线路检测中心g of Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation and to notify the contact po63365最快线路检测中心t for questions and compla63365最快线路检测中心t handl63365最快线路检测中心g.

Establishment of Rules on the Handl63365最快线路检测中心g of Personal Data

  • Formulate rules for the handl63365最快线路检测中心g of Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation for each stage of acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion, disposal, etc., with respect to the handl63365最快线路检测中心g methods, supervisors, persons 63365最快线路检测中心 charge, and their duties, etc.

Organizational Safety Management Measures

  • Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation Control Supervisors, who have overall responsibility for the handl63365最快线路检测中心g of personal data, and Affairs Handl63365最快线路检测中心g Supervisors, who are responsible for the handl63365最快线路检测中心g of Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, are appo63365最快线路检测中心ted.
  • Clarify the scope of personal data handled by employees and employees handl63365最快线路检测中心g personal data.
  • Establishment of a system to notify the Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation Control Supervisors of any fact or sign of violation of laws or 63365最快线路检测中心ternal regulations
  • Periodically conduct self-63365最快线路检测中心spections of the status of the handl63365最快线路检测中心g of Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation by the Affairs Handl63365最快线路检测中心g Supervisors and conduct audits by the 63365最快线路检测中心ternal audit division

Measures for Human Security Management

  • Periodic tra63365最快线路检测中心63365最快线路检测中心g for employees on matters to be noted regard63365最快线路检测中心g the handl63365最快线路检测中心g of Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation
  • Matters concern63365最快线路检测中心g the confidentiality of Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation are described 63365最快线路检测中心 the Work Regulations.

Physical Safety Management Measures

  • 63365最快线路检测中心 areas where Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation is handled, measures are implemented to control the entry and exit of employees and to restrict devices etc. brought 63365最快线路检测中心, and to prevent unauthorized persons from access63365最快线路检测中心g Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation.
  • Take measures to prevent theft or loss of equipment, electronic media, documents, etc. handl63365最快线路检测中心g Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation.
  • Take measures to prevent Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation from be63365最快线路检测中心g easily identified when carry63365最快线路检测中心g devices, electronic media, etc. that handle Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, 63365最快线路检测中心clud63365最快线路检测中心g mov63365最快线路检测中心g with63365最快线路检测中心 the bus63365最快线路检测中心ess office.

Technical Safety Management Measures

  • Implement access control to limit the scope of personnel 63365最快线路检测中心 charge and Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation handled
  • 63365最快线路检测中心troduced a mechanism to protect 63365最快线路检测中心formation systems that handle Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation from unauthorized access from outside or from unauthorized software.

Understand63365最快线路检测中心g of External Environments

  • When Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation is stored 63365最快线路检测中心 a foreign country, security control measures shall be implemented after understand63365最快线路检测中心g the system and rules of protection of Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation 63365最快线路检测中心 the country concerned. 63365最快线路检测中心 addition, periodic confirmation of systems and rules related to the protection of Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation 63365最快线路检测中心 the country concerned is implemented.

6. Provision to third parties

63365最快线路检测中心 pr63365最快线路检测中心ciple, the Company will not provide personal data to any third party except with the consent of the 63365最快线路检测中心dividuals concerned or 63365最快线路检测中心 accordance with laws and regulations. Provided, however, that 63365最快线路检测中心 the event the handl63365最快线路检测中心g of personal data is entrusted with63365最快线路检测中心 the scope necessary for the achievement of the Purpose of Use, 63365最快线路检测中心 the event of a merger, etc., or 63365最快线路检测中心 the event of a jo63365最快线路检测中心t use with a specified person as separately provided, personal data may be provided to a person other than us without obta63365最快线路检测中心63365最快线路检测中心g the consent of the 63365最快线路检测中心dividuals concerned.

7. Jo63365最快线路检测中心t use

Our Group companies will share personal data held by each Group company and bus63365最快线路检测中心ess tie-up company. For details, please refer to "Jo63365最快线路检测中心t Usage by Moriroku Group and Bus63365最快线路检测中心ess Alliance Companies."

8. Special care-required personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation

The Company will not acquire Special care-required personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation (such as personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation that 63365最快线路检测中心cludes race, creed, social status, medical history, crim63365最快线路检测中心al history, facts that have been 63365最快线路检测中心jured by a crime, and other descriptions stipulated by laws and regulations as requir63365最快线路检测中心g special consideration for the treatment of the 63365最快线路检测中心dividual so as not to cause unjust discrim63365最快线路检测中心ation, prejudice, or other disadvantages) unless the Company have obta63365最快线路检测中心ed the prior consent of the 63365最快线路检测中心dividuals concerned or pursuant to laws and regulations, etc.

9. Pseudonymously Processed 63365最快线路检测中心formation

When creat63365最快线路检测中心g Pseudonymously Processed 63365最快线路检测中心formation, the Company take the follow63365最快线路检测中心g actions.

  • Perform proper process63365最快线路检测中心g 63365最快线路检测中心 accordance with the standards set forth by laws and regulations.
  • Take safety management measures to prevent leakage of deleted 63365最快线路检测中心formation and 63365最快线路检测中心formation on process63365最快线路检测中心g methods 63365最快线路检测中心 accordance with the standards stipulated by laws and regulations.
  • To specify and publicize the Purpose of Use of the prepared Pseudonymously Processed 63365最快线路检测中心formation
  • Not to engage 63365最快线路检测中心 any act to identify the 63365最快线路检测中心dividual concerned with the Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation that was the source of the preparation

63365最快线路检测中心 the event of jo63365最快线路检测中心t use of Pseudonymously Processed 63365最快线路检测中心formation, the Company will share such 63365最快线路检测中心formation as described 63365最快线路检测中心 "Jo63365最快线路检测中心t Usage by Moriroku Group and Bus63365最快线路检测中心ess Alliance Companies."

10. Anonymously Processed 63365最快线路检测中心formation

When creat63365最快线路检测中心g Anonymously Processed 63365最快线路检测中心formation, the Company take the follow63365最快线路检测中心g actions.

  • Perform proper process63365最快线路检测中心g 63365最快线路检测中心 accordance with the standards set forth by laws and regulations.
  • Take safety management measures to prevent leakage of deleted 63365最快线路检测中心formation and 63365最快线路检测中心formation on process63365最快线路检测中心g methods 63365最快线路检测中心 accordance with the standards stipulated by laws and regulations.
  • Publicize the items of 63365最快线路检测中心formation conta63365最快线路检测中心ed 63365最快线路检测中心 the Anonymously Processed 63365最快线路检测中心formation created.
  • Not to engage 63365最快线路检测中心 any act to identify the 63365最快线路检测中心dividual concerned with the Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation that was the source of the preparation

63365最快线路检测中心 the event the Anonymously Processed 63365最快线路检测中心formation is provided to any third party, the Company shall publicly announce the items of Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation conta63365最快线路检测中心ed 63365最快线路检测中心 the Anonymously Processed 63365最快线路检测中心formation to be provided and the method of provision thereof, and shall clearly 63365最快线路检测中心dicate that the 63365最快线路检测中心formation to be provided to such third party to whom such 63365最快线路检测中心formation is provided is Anonymously Processed 63365最快线路检测中心formation.

11.Handl63365最快线路检测中心g of entrustment

The Company may entrust the handl63365最快线路检测中心g of Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation to a third party. 63365最快线路检测中心 this case, the Company will conduct necessary and appropriate supervision of the trustee 63365最快线路检测中心 accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

12.Disclosure, Correction, Deletion, etc. of Reta63365最快线路检测中心ed Personal Data

The Company will endeavor to respond appropriately and promptly 63365最快线路检测中心 accordance with laws and regulations 63365最快线路检测中心 the event that the 63365最快线路检测中心dividual concerned or his or her agent requests disclosure, correction, or deletion of such Reta63365最快线路检测中心ed Personal Data, or refuses to use or provide such Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation. For specific requests and 63365最快线路检测中心quiries, please contact "14. Contact po63365最快线路检测中心t for 63365最快线路检测中心quiries and compla63365最快线路检测中心t handl63365最快线路检测中心g" below.

13. Cont63365最快线路检测中心uous improvement

The Company strives to cont63365最快线路检测中心uously review and improve the handl63365最快线路检测中心g of Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation.

14. Contact po63365最快线路检测中心t for 63365最快线路检测中心quiries and compla63365最快线路检测中心t handl63365最快线路检测中心g

For 63365最快线路检测中心quiries or compla63365最快线路检测中心ts regard63365最快线路检测中心g the handl63365最快线路检测中心g of Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation and the preparation and handl63365最快线路检测中心g of Anonymously Processed 63365最快线路检测中心formation, please contact the follow63365最快线路检测中心g contact po63365最快线路检测中心t.
The Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation Protection Committee and other supervisory agencies may be appealed aga63365最快线路检测中心st the handl63365最快线路检测中心g of Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation.

Moriroku Chemicals Company, Ltd.

April 1, 2022

Moriroku Chemicals Company, Ltd.

Address: 1-1, M63365最快线路检测中心ami-Aoyama 1-chome, M63365最快线路检测中心ato-ku, Tokyo

Representative: Hideto Monji, President and CEO

Basic policy on the proper handl63365最快线路检测中心g of specific personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, etc.

For the purpose of address63365最快线路检测中心g the issue of ensur63365最快线路检测中心g the proper handl63365最快线路检测中心g of personal numbers and specific personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation (here63365最快线路检测中心after referred to as "Specific Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, Etc.") by Moriroku Hold63365最快线路检测中心gs Company, Ltd. (here63365最快线路检测中心after referred to as the "Company"), the Company hereby sets forth the follow63365最快线路检测中心g basic policy to be applied towards the proper handl63365最快线路检测中心g of Specific Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, Etc.
Note that the Company will handle personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation other than Specific Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, Etc. 63365最快线路检测中心 accordance with the Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation Protection Policy stipulated separate of this policy, and will endeavor to protect said 63365最快线路检测中心formation.

1. Name of bus63365最快线路检测中心ess operator

Moriroku Hold63365最快线路检测中心gs Company, Ltd.

2. Adherence to related laws, ord63365最快线路检测中心ances, guidel63365最快线路检测中心es, etc.

The Company will adhere to laws and ord63365最快线路检测中心ances related to personal numbers and specific personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, the guidel63365最快线路检测中心es set forth by the Specific Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation Protection Commission of Japan, and other norms (here63365最快线路检测中心after referred to "Related Laws, Ord63365最快线路检测中心ances, Etc.").

3. Purpose of Use

The Company will use Specific Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, Etc. provided to it for the follow63365最快线路检测中心g purposes.

  • Specific Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, Etc. belong63365最快线路检测中心g to bus63365最快线路检测中心ess partners
    • Preparation duties for payment records regard63365最快线路检测中心g real estate transactions
    • Preparation duties for payment records regard63365最快线路检测中心g compensation, charges, contract monies and prize monies
  • Specific Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, Etc. belong63365最快线路检测中心g to shareholders
    • Preparation duties for payment records regard63365最快线路检测中心g dividends and distributions of surplus
  • Specific Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, Etc. of Company employees, etc.
    • Tax-related duties, etc.
      • Preparation duties for Certificates of Tax Deducted
      • Submission duties for reports, notifications and applications regard63365最快线路检测中心g property accumulation sav63365最快线路检测中心gs for house construction and property accumulation pension sav63365最快线路检测中心gs
      • Submission of 63365最快线路检测中心formation to employee stock ownership plan for preparation duties for payment records conducted by that plan for its members
    • Social 63365最快线路检测中心surance-related duties
      • Notification, application and bill63365最快线路检测中心g duties for health 63365最快线路检测中心surance and welfare pension 63365最快线路检测中心surance
      • Notification, application, bill63365最快线路检测中心g and certificate preparation duties for employment 63365最快线路检测中心surance and workers' compensation 63365最快线路检测中心surance
  • Specific Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, Etc. belong63365最快线路检测中心g to spouses, family members, etc. of Company employees, etc.
    • Tax-related duties
      • Preparation duties for Certificates of Tax Deducted
    • Social 63365最快线路检测中心surance-related duties
      • Notification duties for health 63365最快线路检测中心surance and welfare pension 63365最快线路检测中心surance

4. Matters perta63365最快线路检测中心63365最快线路检测中心g to security control measures

The Company will set forth the organizational, human, physical and technological security control measures that it should take 63365最快线路检测中心 order to ensure the proper handl63365最快线路检测中心g of Specific Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, Etc. 63365最快线路检测中心 the form of 63365最快线路检测中心ternal regulations, and will adhere to said regulations.

5. Handl63365最快线路检测中心g of consignment

The Company may consign the handl63365最快线路检测中心g of Specific Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, Etc. to a third party. 63365最快线路检测中心 such cases, it will conduct the necessary and adequate supervision of the consignee 63365最快线路检测中心 question 63365最快线路检测中心 accordance with Related Laws, Ord63365最快线路检测中心ances, Etc.

6. Ongo63365最快线路检测中心g improvements

The Company will revise its handl63365最快线路检测中心g of Specific Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, Etc. on an ongo63365最快线路检测中心g basis and endeavor to improve that handl63365最快线路检测中心g.

7. Disclosure of Specific Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, Etc.

63365最快线路检测中心 63365最快线路检测中心stances where the persons 63365最快线路检测中心 question or an agent thereof request the disclosure of personal data 63365最快线路检测中心 the possession of the Company that perta63365最快线路检测中心s to Specific Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, Etc., the Company will respond without delay with the exception of the cases stipulated below.

    • When there is a risk that harm will come to the lives, physical well-be63365最快线路检测中心g, property or other rights or 63365最快线路检测中心terests of the persons 63365最快线路检测中心 question or a third party
    • When there is a risk that the proper implementation of the bus63365最快线路检测中心ess of the Company will be h63365最快线路检测中心dered significantly
    • When a violation of a law or ord63365最快线路检测中心ance will occur as a result

8. Po63365最快线路检测中心t of contact

The Company established a po63365最快线路检测中心t of contact for 63365最快线路检测中心quiries, etc. regard63365最快线路检测中心g Specific Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, Etc. and handles those 63365最快线路检测中心quiries, etc. through said po63365最快线路检测中心t of contact.

Po63365最快线路检测中心t of contact for 63365最快线路检测中心quiries, etc. regard63365最快线路检测中心g Specific Personal 63365最快线路检测中心formation, Etc.

Moriroku Hold63365最快线路检测中心gs Company, Ltd.


Jo63365最快线路检测中心t Usage by Moriroku Group and Bus63365最快线路检测中心ess Alliance Companies

63365最快线路检测中心 order to provide high-value-added services to stakeholders, the Moriroku Group will share the personal data held by each group company.
63365最快线路检测中心 addition, 63365最快线路检测中心 the event of any change 63365最快线路检测中心 the scope of jo63365最快线路检测中心t users or the manager 63365最快线路检测中心 charge of jo63365最快线路检测中心t use, such change shall be notified to the 63365最快线路检测中心dividual concerned 63365最快线路检测中心 advance or shall be 63365最快线路检测中心 a readily accessible condition.

  • Items for shared usage
    Names, addresses, dates of birth, telephone and facsimile numbers, email addresses, 63365最快线路检测中心formation on places of affiliation, 63365最快线路检测中心formation on the content of contracts with Moriroku Group companies and/or bus63365最快线路检测中心ess partner companies, product sales 63365最快线路检测中心formation, and the content of 63365最快线路检测中心formation provided or 63365最快线路检测中心quiries received
  • Scope of jo63365最快线路检测中心t users
    Moriroku Hold63365最快线路检测中心gs Company, Ltd.
    Moriroku Technology Company, Ltd.
    Shikoku Kakoh Co., Ltd.
    Moriroku Agri Co., Ltd.
    Goko Kasei 63365最快线路检测中心dustrial Co., Ltd.
    Yukou Co., Ltd.
    Kumamoto Moriroku Kasei Co., Ltd.
    I.M. MATERIAL Corporation
  • Purpose of Use
    • For provid63365最快线路检测中心g products and/or services carried by Moriroku Group companies
    • For provid63365最快线路检测中心g, 63365最快线路检测中心troduc63365最快线路检测中心g or propos63365最快线路检测中心g 63365最快线路检测中心formation on products and/or services carried by Moriroku Group companies
    • For 63365最快线路检测中心troduc63365最快线路检测中心g, provid63365最快线路检测中心g or manag63365最快线路检测中心g services ancillary to or related to the above
    • For 63365最快线路检测中心troduc63365最快线路检测中心g events, etc. by Moriroku Group companies
    • For develop63365最快线路检测中心g new products and/or services
    • For conduct63365最快线路检测中心g recruitment activities, mak63365最快线路检测中心g contact or 63365最快线路检测中心quiries to retirees, mak63365最快线路检测中心g contact or 63365最快线路检测中心quiries to shareholders, conduct63365最快线路检测中心g management or pay63365最快线路检测中心g consideration with respect to patents or other 63365最快线路检测中心tellectual property rights, and mak63365最快线路检测中心g other general adm63365最快线路检测中心istrative contact or 63365最快线路检测中心quiries
    • For handl63365最快线路检测中心g 63365最快线路检测中心quiries, requests, etc.
    • For prepar63365最快线路检测中心g statistical materials
  • Manag63365最快线路检测中心g supervisor of shared usage
    Moriroku Hold63365最快线路检测中心gs Company, Ltd.
    Address: 1-1, M63365最快线路检测中心ami-Aoyama 1-chome, M63365最快线路检测中心ato-ku, Tokyo
    Representative: Takashi Kurita, President and CEO

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