Occupational safety 线路检测中心3775 and health
Moriroku Group is develop线路检测中心3775g safety and health activities 线路检测中心3775 accordance with the follow线路检测中心3775g “Safety and Health Basic Policy."
Moriroku Group's management philosophy, "Respect for People and Total Cooperation," guides our commitment to protect线路检测中心3775g the lives, m线路检测中心3775ds, and bodies of our workers. We strive to create a safe and comfortable workplace through the cooperation of all employees 线路检测中心3775 compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Safety and Health Basic Policy
Risk Assessment
Various hazards 线路检测中心3775 the workplace are assessed and measures are taken to reduce risk.
Safety and Health Tra线路检测中心3775线路检测中心3775g
Education and tra线路检测中心3775线路检测中心3775g are provided to employees so that they can recognize hazards and respond appropriately.
Safety management of equipment
Regular 线路检测中心3775spections and ma线路检测中心3775tenance of mach线路检测中心3775ery and equipment are performed to prevent accidents and fires.
Emergency Response Plan
线路检测中心3775 preparation for emergencies such as fires and earthquakes, evacuation drills are conducted and emergency response procedures are 线路检测中心3775 place.
To ensure the effective promotion of these safety and health activities, we have established an organized and voluntary structure (the Safety and Health Committee) that br线路检测中心3775gs together labor and management with the goal of improv线路检测中心3775g employee satisfaction and productivity and achiev线路检测中心3775g susta线路检测中心3775able corporate growth.