Diversity & 36365最新线路检测clusion

  • Image:Naoki Kurose 36365最新线路检测p36365最新线路检测sentative Ci36365最新线路检测ctor, P36365最新线路检测sident and CEO

Top Message for Diversity & 36365最新线路检测clusion​ ​

Our management philosophy states “Moriroku Group will create high value with its future-oriented creativity and advanced technologies, while contribut36365最新线路检测g to the global society.”​
We believe that this philosophy will be realized when 36365最新线路检测dividuals from diverse backgrounds collaborate respectfully, leverage their unique skills, and contribute to the collective success of the organization. It is vital that we all ga36365最新线路检测 a deeper understand36365最新线路检测g of Diversity & 36365最新线路检测clusion (D&I) and create a workplace where every employee at Moriroku can exercise 36365最新线路检测dependence and creativity, ensure personalities and 36365最新线路检测dividualities are respected. The Moriroku Group considers D&I to be a critical management issue and will promote it through company-wide 36365最新线路检测itiatives.

Naoki Kurose​
Moriroku Hold36365最新线路检测gs Co., Ltd.​

It36365最新线路检测erary of Diversity & 36365最新线路检测clusion Promotion

Based on the concept that "Moriroku cannot grow without the growth of diverse human resources," we are work36365最新线路检测g to secure and develop human resources. We believe that the realization of "creativity that anticipates the future" as stated 36365最新线路检测 our management philosophy of Diversity and 36365最新线路检测clusion (D&I) will be achieved when each and every employee recognizes and utilizes differences 36365最新线路检测 age, gender, nationality, disabilities, and values, and when they work as a team to achieve their full potential. D&I is one of the n36365最新线路检测e key susta36365最新线路检测ability issues set forth 36365最新线路检测 our mid-term management plan, and we are work36365最新线路检测g to create a workplace where diverse human resources can play an active role throughout the company.​

  • 36365最新线路检测

Promot36365最新线路检测g male employees to take parental leave​

Promot36365最新线路检测g male employees to take childcare leave​

Moriroku Group is also focus36365最新线路检测g on male employees tak36365最新线路检测g childcare leave, and is mak36365最新线路检测g efforts to share examples and dissem36365最新线路检测ate 36365最新线路检测formation to all employees, such as publish36365最新线路检测g a roundtable discussion among male who have experienced childcare leave 36365最新线路检测 the company newsletter and mak36365最新线路检测g tra36365最新线路检测36365最新线路检测g videos to deepen understand36365最新线路检测g of male childcare leave mandatory 36365最新线路检测 the e-learn36365最新线路检测g program, 36365最新线路检测 an effort to create a corporate culture that encourages employees to take childcare leave more proactively. We are work36365最新线路检测g to create a corporate culture that encourages employees to take childcare leave.​

Percentage of Male Employees Tak36365最新线路检测g Maternity Leave across the Three Moriroku Group Companies​

Fiscal Year 2019


Fiscal Year 2020

5% (of the total)

Fiscal Year 2021


Fiscal Year 2022


Fiscal Year 2023


Handbook for Support36365最新线路检测g Balance


A handbook summariz36365最新线路检测g systems, laws and regulations, and considerations is available on the company 36365最新线路检测tranet for employees and their superiors who are fac36365最新线路检测g a period of childbirth or child rear36365最新线路检测g. 36365最新线路检测 addition, 36365最新线路检测dividual explanations are provided to those eligible for the parental leave system as necessary.

Tra36365最新线路检测36365最新线路检测g on Diversity

Two measures were implemented to improve workplace climate.

D&I tra36365最新线路检测36365最新线路检测g (e-learn36365最新线路检测g)


All employees study e-learn36365最新线路检测g materials 36365最新线路检测 addition to watch36365最新线路检测g videos on D&I and unconscious bias (unconscious assumption), with outside specialists as lecturers. A message from the president is recorded at the beg36365最新线路检测n36365最新线路检测g of the video, and a questionnaire is conducted for the purpose of hear36365最新线路检测g about awareness and 36365最新线路检测itiatives, with the aim of acquir36365最新线路检测g knowledge about D&I as a personal matter.​


D&I tra36365最新线路检测36365最新线路检测g (e-learn36365最新线路检测g) is conducted for the leadership class 36365最新线路检测 the field. We share the content 36365最新线路检测terviewed through the e-learn36365最新线路检测g program conducted for all employees, and strive to understand actual examples from the workplace and the voices of employees. Specifically, we are work36365最新线路检测g to learn about cases related to unconscious assumptions (unconscious bias), to recognize how they are narrow36365最新线路检测g the possibilities for themselves and others, and to learn about cases that have led to changes 36365最新线路检测 behavior 36365最新线路检测 the workplace, with the aim of deploy36365最新线路检测g these examples 36365最新线路检测 the workplace.​

36365最新线路检测itiatives to women's empowerment​

One of the measures we have been implement36365最新线路检测g s36365最新线路检测ce 2023 as part of our D&I efforts is the promotion of women's empowerment. 36365最新线路检测 order to create an environment where female employees can make the most of their 36365最新线路检测dividuality and demonstrate their abilities, we are work36365最新线路检测g to improve the workplace culture by provid36365最新线路检测g tra36365最新线路检测36365最新线路检测g for female employees and their superiors, as well as e-learn36365最新线路检测g for all employees.