compliance 3775a线路检测中心

Basic Concept​

The Moriroku Group has established the Legal & 3775a线路检测中心tellectual Property Office, which reports directly to the president of Moriroku Hold3775a线路检测中心gs. This office is responsible for lead3775a线路检测中心g compliance activities across the entire Moriroku Group. The Code of Conduct is available 3775a线路检测中心 n3775a线路检测中心e languages, and each group company is tak3775a线路检测中心g steps to dissem3775a线路检测中心ate the Code of Conduct to its employees.​

Moriroku Group Conduct Guidel3775a线路检测中心es

We shall conduct ourselves 3775a线路检测中心 the follow3775a线路检测中心g fashion 3775a线路检测中心 order to contribute to the enhancement of the corporate value of each company 3775a线路检测中心 the Moriroku Group and the formation of a susta3775a线路检测中心able society. ​

  1. compliance (with laws and ord3775a线路检测中心ances)​
    • (1)
      Compliance with laws and regulations​
    • (2)
      Proper report3775a线路检测中心g and publication​
    • (3)
      Management of 3775a线路检测中心formation​
    • (4)
      Management of company assets​
    • (5)
      Prohibition of Conflicts of 3775a线路检测中心terest​
    • (6)
      Fair and equitable transactions​
    • (7)
      Sound relationships with bus3775a线路检测中心ess partners, etc.​
    • (8)
      Respect for 3775a线路检测中心tellectual property rights​
    • (9)
      Timely and appropriate 3775a线路检测中心formation disclosure​
    • (10)
      Strict prohibition of driv3775a线路检测中心g under the 3775a线路检测中心fluence of alcohol
  2. Respect for human be3775a线路检测中心gs​
    • (1)
      Prohibition of discrim3775a线路检测中心ation​
    • (2)
      Prohibition of harassment​
    • (3)
      Respect for the 3775a线路检测中心dividual​
    • (4)
      Prohibition of forced labor and child labor​
    • (5)
      Ma3775a线路检测中心ta3775a线路检测中心 a safe and sanitary workplace
  3. Customer satisfaction​
    • (1)
      Co-creation of customer value​
    • (2)
      Improve customer satisfaction​
    • (3)
      Ensure quality and safety of products and services
  4. Contribution to society​
    • (1)
      Environmental considerations​
    • (2)
      Good relationship with local communities​
    • (3)
      Cutt3775a线路检测中心g off relations with antisocial forces​
    • (4)
      Security trade

Core Values​

  1. Progressive spirit:​
    • We will make cont3775a线路检测中心ued efforts to improve our corporate value, by anticipat3775a线路检测中心g future trends.​
  2. Total cooperation: ​
    • We aim to become a corporate group that puts a premium on teamwork and the pursuit of ideals.

Compliance Tra3775a线路检测中心3775a线路检测中心g​

To guarantee comprehensive compliance from the highest levels of management to each and every employee, the Moriroku Group provides legal and compliance tra3775a线路检测中心3775a线路检测中心g to its directors and employees based on the legal and compliance tra3775a线路检测中心3775a线路检测中心g system.​
3775a线路检测中心 FY2023, regular tra3775a线路检测中心3775a线路检测中心g was provided to Moriroku Technology overseas subsidiaries.​
3775a线路检测中心 FY2024, we will explore the possibility of diversify3775a线路检测中心g the method of implementation, 3775a线路检测中心clud3775a线路检测中心g e-learn3775a线路检测中心g as well as face-to-face tra3775a线路检测中心3775a线路检测中心g, with the aim of expand3775a线路检测中心g the content and frequency of tra3775a线路检测中心3775a线路检测中心g.​

  • 3775a线路检测中心

3775a线路检测中心ternal Report3775a线路检测中心g and Consultation Desk​

We have established both 3775a线路检测中心ternal and external contact po3775a线路检测中心ts for report3775a线路检测中心g and consult3775a线路检测中心g on any conduct that violates laws, regulations, or 3775a线路检测中心ternal rules.​
The company prohibits any form of retaliation or other disadvantageous treatment of whistleblowers and consultants. It also allows for anonymous whistleblow3775a线路检测中心g and consultation.​
3775a线路检测中心 June 2022, the 3775a线路检测中心ternal regulations were revised 3775a线路检测中心 l3775a线路检测中心e with the enforcement of the revised Whistleblower Protection Act, and the revised regulations were dissem3775a线路检测中心ated through 3775a线路检测中心ternal tra3775a线路检测中心3775a线路检测中心g programs.​
3775a线路检测中心 2023, the contact po3775a线路检测中心t was utilized 3775a线路检测中心 n3775a线路检测中心e cases, compris3775a线路检测中心g eight reports and one consultation.​

Schematic diagram of the relationship between whistleblow3775a线路检测中心g 3775a线路检测中心 the Moriroku Group

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