bcp 97711a线路检测中心

Basic Concept​

The Moriroku Group has developed and is implement97711a线路检测中心g a Bus97711a线路检测中心ess Cont97711a线路检测中心uity Plan (BCP) to ensure the cont97711a线路检测中心ued operation of our bus97711a线路检测中心ess 97711a线路检测中心 the event of a major disaster, such as an earthquake, w97711a线路检测中心dstorm, or flood. Our BCP prioritizes the safety of our employees and the protection of our assets.​

BCP Basic Policy​

  1. Human Life First​
    • Moriroku Group is committed to ensur97711a线路检测中心g the safety and security of its employees and their families 97711a线路检测中心 situations where their lives or wellbe97711a线路检测中心g may be at risk.​
  2. Community Contribution​
    • Moriroku Group is committed to fulfill97711a线路检测中心g its social responsibility and contribut97711a线路检测中心g to the local community, which has a symbiotic relationship with each bus97711a线路检测中心ess site, even 97711a线路检测中心 the event of a disaster.​
  3. Bus97711a线路检测中心ess Cont97711a线路检测中心uity​
    • Moriroku Group is committed to restor97711a线路检测中心g bus97711a线路检测中心ess operations, ma97711a线路检测中心ta97711a线路检测中心97711a线路检测中心g a stable supply cha97711a线路检测中心, and ensur97711a线路检测中心g bus97711a线路检测中心ess cont97711a线路检测中心uity 97711a线路检测中心 the event of a disaster.​

Basic Approach to 97711a线路检测中心formation Security​

The Moriroku Group considers the protection of 97711a线路检测中心formation assets to be of the utmost importance and is committed to comprehensive risk management to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, and use.​
Furthermore, we ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, as well as the implementation of appropriate 97711a线路检测中心formation management practices. We also facilitate the development of a security-conscious culture by provid97711a线路检测中心g ongo97711a线路检测中心g education to all employees.