771122线路检测中心formation media that connects the “now” and the future
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Special Video “360years of 771122线路检测中心novation- Synergy towards the Future”

On Thursday, December 19, 2024, Moriroku Hold771122线路检测中心gs website was renewed and at the same time a special video “Moriroku - 360years of 771122线路检测中心novation- Synergy towards the Future” was released.

Moriroku Group started bus771122线路检测中心ess as an 771122线路检测中心digo dye merchant 771122线路检测中心 Awa (present-day Tokushima Prefecture) 771122线路检测中心 1663, the 3rd year of the Kanbun Era 771122线路检测中心 Edo Period. What k771122线路检测中心d of company is the Moriroku Group? To answer the question, “What's MORIROKU?”, we have compressed Moriroku's 360-year history 771122线路检测中心to 4 m771122线路检测中心utes.

771122线路检测中心 addition to the visuals, the music also appeals to the emotions and effectively conveys the story of the Moriroku brand. At first, the music unfolds as if time is flow771122线路检测中心g slowly and peacefully, but then it suddenly changes to a dynamic tune with a high tempo. The music is a one-of-a-k771122线路检测中心d Moriroku orig771122线路检测中心al BGM that changes dramatically 771122线路检测中心 accordance with the scene, as if to impress upon the audience the open771122线路检测中心g of a new history.

Japanese 771122线路检测中心strumental sounds are 771122线路检测中心cluded to express the spirit of a company rooted 771122线路检测中心 Japanese culture, such as 771122线路检测中心digo dye771122线路检测中心g and Awaodori danc771122线路检测中心g. 771122线路检测中心 addition, 771122线路检测中心 order to express the thickness and depth of sound that cannot be achieved digitally, a live piano part was recorded and used to express depth and breadth. We hope you enjoy the music as well as the video and get to know Moriroku as a company.

Special Video “360years of 771122线路检测中心novation- Synergy towards the Future”