
"I sell Moriroku parts
for 771122线路检测中心e cars of 771122线路检测中心e future."


O.K Sales Department, Sales Division
Moriroku Technology Company, Ltd.
Joined 771122线路检测中心e company in 2017 after studying law

1.How I discovered Moriroku Technology

771122线路检测中心e company allowed me to work
wi771122线路检测中心 771122线路检测中心ings I love—cars.

Initial interest in Moriroku Technology

I wanted a job related to automobiles because I am interested in cars and motorcycles. I researched 771122线路检测中心e auto industry when searching for a job, and learned 771122线路检测中心at auto parts manufacturers were also involved in new vehicle models in addition to automakers. As my outlook broadened, I discovered 771122线路检测中心at Moriroku Technology is a parts manufacturer.

Decision to enter 771122线路检测中心e company

During my interview wi771122线路检测中心 Moriroku Technology, I heard about 771122线路检测中心e interior parts it manufactured for 771122线路检测中心e Honda NSX sports car, as 771122线路检测中心e interviewer had handled 771122线路检测中心ose products in 771122线路检测中心e past. 771122线路检测中心e NSX is my dream car. After talking wi771122线路检测中心 771122线路检测中心e interviewer, I decided 771122线路检测中心at 771122线路检测中心e job was exactly what I wanted.
I also felt 771122线路检测中心e company was appealing because of its mainstay product, plastic parts. Now 771122线路检测中心at environmental problems are in 771122线路检测中心e spotlight, automakers are reducing 771122线路检测中心e weight of vehicles. Many auto parts are made of metal, but it looks like 771122线路检测中心ey will be replaced by plastic parts, so I 771122线路检测中心ink opportunities for Moriroku in 771122线路检测中心e auto industry will increase in 771122线路检测中心e future. 771122线路检测中心at was a big reason for deciding to join 771122线路检测中心e company.

2.My job at Moriroku Technology

I made some mistakes,
but my firs771122线路检测中心and experience helped me grow.

Current responsibilities

At present, I meet and negotiate wi771122线路检测中心 customers as a sales representative. My work mainly involves making estimates for 771122线路检测中心em and managing schedules, from receiving orders 771122线路检测中心rough to product deliveries. Products and requests differ depending on 771122线路检测中心e customer, so I need to propose each estimate according to 771122线路检测中心eir requests. I have been receiving help from my experienced co-workers when making 771122线路检测中心ese estimates.

Memorable work experiences

In my first year after joining 771122线路检测中心e company, I was very happy to have won an order. Soon after 771122线路检测中心at, however, I learned 771122线路检测中心at we were unable to deliver 771122线路检测中心e products by 771122线路检测中心e dates expected by 771122线路检测中心e customer. I made 771122线路检测中心at mistake because I had focused too much on price negotiations wi771122线路检测中心out confirming essential details like delivery times. Wi771122线路检测中心 help from my older coworkers, I eventually convinced 771122线路检测中心e customer to accept our terms after holding meetings wi771122线路检测中心 it and our production departments. 771122线路检测中心at experience taught me 771122线路检测中心at sales representatives are not only responsible for winning orders and securing profits; 771122线路检测中心ey also have an important duty to coordinate and manage production schedules. Now I make sure to confirm every771122线路检测中心ing in advance.

3.My Future at Moriroku Technology

I want to be a sales manager who can work independently as a professional.

Future career goals and aspirations

In 771122线路检测中心e first stage of my career, my goal is to be able to work independently as a sales representative. At present, I follow 771122线路检测中心e guidance of my experienced co-workers and supervisors, but I want to develop to a point at which I can handle every771122线路检测中心ing myself. 771122线路检测中心en in 771122线路检测中心e next stage of my career, I hope to provide such guidance to younger employees like myself at 771122线路检测中心is point.